List of published materials - books

  1. Toshio Sone et al., Basic Acoustical Engineering (Corona Publishing, Tokyo, 1990). (in Japanese)
  2. Y^oiti Suzuki, GKS Primer (Kyoritu Publishing, Tokyo, 1991). (in Japanese)
  3. Y^oiti Suzuki, Toshio Sone et al., "Contributions to Psychological Acoustics - Results of the Fifth Oldenburg Symposium on Psychological Acoustics -," Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem der Universitaet Oldenburg, pp. 14-294 (1991).
  4. Toshio Sone, Daily Life and Sound (Shokabo, Tokyo, 1991). (in Japanese)
  5. Y^oiti Suzuki et al., "Handbook of Sense and Perception," Seishinshobou, pp. 12-1741 (1993). (in Japanese)
  6. Y^oiti Suzuki, Toshio Sone et al., "Contributions to Psychological Acoustics - Results of the Sixth Oldenburg Symposium on Psychological Acoustics -," Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem der Universitaet Oldenburg, pp. 30-677 (1993).

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